season 04, 05.04 | do not fear

Merry Christmas, Kindred! The phrase “Don’t be afraid” appears four times throughout the retelling of the Christmas story. It’s clear an encounter with the divine was awe-inspiring, but these words are also spoken in response to the specific fears some of the characters carried. We all carry fears of our own about life and the future and the world. Tonight we remember how the Christmas story speaks to our unique fears. When God says, “Don’t be afraid”, he isn’t belittling our worry or uncertainty, but ensuring us he is right here, with us in every dimension of our humanity…including our fear.

season 04, 05.03 | wonderful counselor

Christmas reveals the birth of the Savior, the one that would be the comforter of the downtrodden, the protector of the vulnerable, the leader that people need more than we know. The book of Isaiah foretold of the coming Savior as a Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace. Tonight we explore what this means for us and for Christmas.

season 04, 05.02 | always

It’s week two of Advent and we are exploring the idea that while Jesus entered our world at that famous manger scene, he was always here and always will be. More than that, he may be described as the “Alpha and Omega” in Revelation, Beginning and End, but Jesus is right here in the middle of our lives. What does that mean about Jesus, about us, about Christmas? 

season 04, 05.01 | unease

We aren't given very many details about Mary's pregnancy in Scripture, though it's unlikely she escaped the unique discomfort of morning sickness as she carried this baby to be born. By exploring this very human dimension of the Christmas story, we're inspired to see the way the presence of God is felt even in seasons of our own unease, discomfort, and stretching.