In May, Kindred will be taking a team to visit our global partner, Canvas, in Nottingham, England. As our first Kindred trip to Canvas, we will focus on relationship-building with the Canvas staff and their students.
Four of our wonderful Kindred family will be heading to Canvas along with Zack. Their trip depends entirely upon donations and we would be honored if you gave to their missions fund! You can give using the link below, and can give to the entire team using the Canvas general fund, or an individual person using their individual fund:
Meet the team
I’m super excited to visit Canvas in Nottingham because I can’t wait to see what God is doing over there and also be able to help in any way I can!
I’m so excited to go back to Nottingham and see all my Canvas friends! It’s going to be amazing to see how God has continued to provide for them.
I am so excited to travel with this team, and learn more about the Canvas college age ministry. Women’s ministry and young-adult ministry have been on my heart the last few years, and have really invoked a passion in me I never knew was there. I cannot wait to see what God does on this trip!
I’m excited to go back to Canvas in Nottingham that started my introduction into Globalscope 5 years ago! It’s an incredible organization that cares for students and the Nottingham community just as Jesus does. I’m excited to see how they build relationships to point people to Jesus and what I can learn from this amazing team and community!
If you would like to give to anyone on the team specifically via cash or check, please see Tommy at church or mail your check/cash to 11885 Bradburn Blvd, Westminster CO 80031. Please designate the team member on your gift. Thank you for your generosity!