JAMES 2022

season 02, 07.08 | jekyll & Hyde and raisin cakes

There is so much to the words of James – this week we see how much he can pack into a few paragraphs as we explore the concept of why our actions often don’t match our true desires. To unlock the wisdom of James we look to the famous story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and, of course, to the biblical delicacy known as raisin cakes.

Season 02, 07.07 | Follow the Evidence

James pivots in the middle of chapter three and launches a discussion on two kinds of wisdom. Tonight we explore how to identify and distinguish true wisdom that comes from God from false wisdom that masquerades as intelligence and knowledge but really it is corrosive, destructive, and works against the goodness of God.

season 02, 07.06 | playing with fire

Our words matter. They carry the power to create life or to destroy it. This is a lesson we’ve all lived for better or worse. James goes after this idea in the beginning of chapter three. Tonight we explore the consequences of our speech, and what it will take to gain control of our words.

season 02, 07.05 | proof of life

Can someone really have faith if they don’t do anything with it? James goes after this question with fervor tonight – examining it from both a historical Jewish perspective, as well as what would have been a brand new way of incorporating the Jesus movement into it. What does it mean to prove our faith by what we do? Is it necessary? Does it matter?

season 02, 07.04 | my favorite weapon

As we move into chapter 2, James continues to give us practical advice on living a life with Jesus. This week, he covers what it means to exercise the commandment of loving our neighbors as ourselves by treating everyone equally. Instead of showing favoritism, James challenges us to employ his favorite weapon against the hurt and pain of the world: mercy.


We live in a time where being the loudest person in the room makes us the most interesting. James disputes this convention, challenging us to listen more, to speak less, and to have ambition to help others instead. What if we took the advice to be more interested instead of more interesting? In this section of James we find out the interesting link between this concept and what it means to really worship God.


James starts his words to the scattered Jewish believers around the world by drawing on a seeming paradox: how we can find joy in the most difficult moments of our lives. And he’s just getting warmed up. What does it look like for us to allow God to move us through difficulty and trouble without losing sight of his presence and the good gifts that only he can give us?

season 02, 07.01 | An introduction to james

We begin our study of the book of the Bible called “James” by exploring who he was. James, the brother of Jesus, never mentions this fact, never leverages his relationship; instead, he identifies himself as a servant in the service of Jesus. We explore the implications of this for us nearly 2,000 years later as we seek to be servants of Jesus in our own right.

season 02, 07.09 | the art of interruption

God often uses interruption to show us the things we think we want aren’t necessarily the things that we really need. James highlights this idea by reminding us that God knows so much better than we do, and he looks out for us like only he can. We hear Matt’s story tonight, reminding us we are in this together – We Belong to God and We Belong to Each Other.