launch 2020

season 01 | Christmas launch

Christians like to talk a lot about hope. But what is hope, really? The story of Jesus' birth is not only one of great expectation and interruption, but one about hope - the faithful confidence that God continues to author a story.

season 01, 00.02 | we belong to each other

This message is from our second preview service. Associate Pastor, Lindsey Heslop, talks about being a united and deeply connected family in Christ. It's our understanding of our right relationship with each other that compels us towards compassion, care, and community.

season 01, 00.01 | we belong to god

This message is from our first preview service. Leader Pastor, Zack Weingartner, talks about being a chosen people, wanted and desired by our Creator. It's our understanding of our right relationship with God that fuels our ability to follow him.