psalm 139 2025

season 05, 02.05 | never-changing

We conclude the deep dive into Psalm 139 today with a look at how God is never-changing. Although we have seasons, growth, and missteps, God is consistent. As this series wraps up, it is a reminder of the attributes of God that we have explored together in the last several weeks.

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season 05, 02.04 | what are the odds?

Our dissection of Psalm 139 continues with a look at verses 15 and 16. Today we discuss the question: “What are the Odds?” Specifically, what are the chances that you were born onto this planet as you? What does it mean that you were, and what does God have planned for you?

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season 05, 02.03 | self-sufficient

We live in a culture that promotes the myth of self-sufficiency, believing that we don't need anything or anyone outside of ourselves. The myth falls apart pretty quickly though. Assuming the role of Creator in our own lives leaves us feeling exhausted, isolated, and anxious. So, what does it mean that God is in fact self-sufficient? And why would this be good news for us? 

season 05, 02.02 | EVER-PRESENT

This week we explore what it means that God is ever-present. God is able to be fully present everywhere and at all times. We, unlike God, are bound to be in one place at one time though often deceive ourselves into thinking we can live beyond our limits. How do we learn to live within our boundaries and what might it look like to grow in our ability to sense God right where we are, wherever we are? 

season 05, 02.01 | all-knowing

You're probably familiar with sentiment, "knowledge is power". Though, at what point do we know too much? In what ways do we attempt to reach past the boundaries and limits of our finite minds, trying to rival God in his infinite knowledge? We don't know everything, but God does. This week we use Psalm 139 to talk about how God is all-knowing and we are not, and why that is a good thing.