season 04, 01.04 | sincere and selfless
Tonight, we we wrap up our values series by talking about sincerity and selflessness. As a people, we explore what it means to cultivate the same spirit of authenticity and generosity that distinguished Jesus and drew others to him.
season 04, 01.03 | safe and sound
Tonight we continue our conversation about who we are by taking a look at our values safe and sound. We revisit a familiar story Jesus told about a lost sheep from a fresh perspective to talk about what it means to be safe community and explore the word sound and how it informs our approach and expectations of Scripture. Together, we discover that grace and truth - safe and sound - are not as opposed to one another as we might have thought.
season 04, 01.02 | who we are: part 2
Tonight we attempt to recover and recapture the true ethos of this word ekklēsia (church) by letting the images and stories found in Scripture inform and shape our imagination and how we think about church. We revisit the ancient story of Ruth and Naomi to talk about what it means to belong to God and to belong to each other as we seek to live into these two foundational truths.
season 04, 01.01 | WHO WE ARE: PART 1
We are back for Season 04 of Kindred Church and what better time to talk about why we are here! Tonight we start a four week dive into the values and vision of this church, taking a look at a few passages the disciple Luke wrote to inform us of the kind of life Jesus offers us and that we hope to pursue.