ROMans 2021
season 01 | rivers & wills
In anticipation of our upcoming baptism celebration, we are taking a look at the question: Why get baptized? We are highlighting three Scriptural reasons to get baptized, but we know through the power of each of our individual stories that there are so many reasons to get baptized. We hope you come away with a renewed sense of why you got baptized or perhaps even the desire to take the step towards baptism!
season 01 | elijah & mental health
Many of the most famous heroes of the Bible struggled mightily with their mental health, especially the prophet Elijah. In this message from Kindred's lead elder Trey Stubbs, we take a look at what we can learn from Elijah's story, and how we can move forward in pursuing our own mental health.
season 01, 04.06 | real love
As we conclude our study of the book of Romans with its final chapters, Paul makes a shift from what we believe to how we should live, and gets clear about ways of living and doing and being that mark a person transformed by the grace of Jesus.
season 01, 04.05 | beautiful feet
We are well into Romans as we continue this journey with its writer, Paul. Tonight, we ask the question – why do some people follow Jesus while others refuse to? How can we know that we are in right standing with God? Ultimately, we will land on the fact that it is the transfer of our trust of our own efforts to be righteous to the righteousness of Christ on our behalf. Each of us is called to bring this Good News to our neighborhood and the world, and tonight we will meet Kindred’s first missions partner that is doing that work every day.
season 01, 04.04 | good intentions
Most of us approach life with good intentions and the desire to be a good person. So why do we fail to grab ahold of the life that we want so often? Paul explores this idea in Romans 7, and tonight we will look at what it means for us to live in the Spirit instead of by our own desires, and to live out the kind of “good” that God intended for us all along.
season 01, 04.03 | do you trust me?
These words faith, belief, trust...we tend to weave them in and out of conversations somewhat interchangeably, but Paul intends something very specific when he writes about faith in his letter to the Romans. Tonight we discover what it means not just to believe in God, but to believe God when he speaks and when he makes a promise and the difference it makes in our life when we choose to trust him.
We are taking a pause on our dive into the letter in the Bible called Romans in order to celebrate Father’s Day as a church! Being a father is a tough job, and in the crazy world we live in it’s hard to know if we are getting it right. Tonight, we look at some ways that we can be challenged in our parenting, but also to receive grace that we are trying to do our best.
season 01, 04.02 | ALL MEANS ALL
The Good News is that Jesus has become righteousness on our behalf. The bad news is that people are sinful and ALL have sinned and fallen short of the standard of God. Tonight we will explore what it means to let the Holy Spirit guide us towards taking on Jesus’ way and leaving our own “over-desires” behind.
We begin our look at an ancient letter written to the young church in Rome and what Paul's teaching on righteousness, faith, and the gospel mean for us now in the 21st century.